Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Forex vs Other Investment

Artikel ini ada untuk menjawab pertanyaan diatas. Berikut beberapa kelebihan yang ditawarkan forex trading yang tidak dapat ditawarkan investasi lainnya: 1. Return on Investment tertinggi dibanding investasi lainnya.Adakah investasi yang sanggup menawarkan return hingga tak terbatas? Forex dapat melakukannya! 2. Likuiditas yang tinggi. Ini berarti Anda selalu dapat membeli atau menjual mata uang yang hendak Anda transaksikan dan tidak ada istilah gagal serah disini. Ketika Anda melakukan aksi beli, selalu ada pihak lain yang akan menjualnya kepada Anda dan sebaliknya. Ini terjadi karena...

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Forex Trading: What to trade?

Setelah kita mengetahui mengenai investasi dan apa itu forex maka saatnya kita membahas trading forex, mungkin ada yang bertanya apa yang di perdagangkan di forex? Jawabannya sangat sederhana, tentu saja uang. Membeli mata uang sebuah negara, adalah hal yang sama seperti kita membeli saham dari sebuah perusahaan. Nilai dari sebuah mata uang menunjukkan pandangan pasar terhadap kondisi ekonomi suatu negara saat ini dan masa depan. Ketika anda membeli suatu mata uang, sebut saja Yen Jepang, maka...

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

European Crisis Eurozone debt fears intensify after Italy downgrade

Yesterday evening Standard and Poor's downgraded Italy's credit rating one notch to A/A-1, with a negative outlook. The agency explained it's decision with the fact that prospects of stimulating the country's economy in the nearest future are becoming less probable due to the Italian government's inability to handle the situation. Italy is the second most indebted country in the Eurozone after Greece. According to the S&P official publication: “The negative outlook reflects our view...

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

S&P downgrades Italy on weak economic outlook

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Standard & Poor's Ratings Services cut Italy's sovereign credit rating late Monday, saying the nation's weakening economic growth and political uncertainty have dented its financial stability. S&P now rates Italy's credit at A, down from A+, and kept its outlook on the country as negative, the agency said in a report issued Monday. "The downgrade reflects our view of Italy's weakening economic growth prospects," S&P said. "Italy's fragile governing coalition...

Greek default: What it would mean

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Experts agree it's almost certain that Greece will not be able to pay all of its debts. But if the country does default, what happens next? Greek leaders are struggling to agree to a set of painful budget cuts, including layoffs and new taxes, in order to get the next round of bailout cash from its European partners. But Greece is in the midst of a painful recession, which is cutting tax collections and causing it to sink even deeper into the deficit hole. And even...

Friday, 16 September 2011

What Is Forex?

Jika anda pernah pergi ke luar negeri, ketika anda telah sampai di suatu negara maka anda akan mencari tempat-tempat penukaran uang yang bertujuan untuk menukar uang yang anda bawa dari indonesia dengan mata uang pada negara yang bersangkutan. Ketika anda melakukan hal diatas maka anda telah berpartisipasi dalam forex market. Anda mengubah mata uang suatu negara dengan mata uang negara lain. Dengan kata lain, dalam istilah forex trading, jika anda mengunjungi Amerika Serikat, maka anda menjual...

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Jobless claims post surprise rise

(Reuters) - New jobless claims rose last week to their highest since June and a gauge of New York State manufacturing contracted in September, sustaining the view the Federal Reserve could take new action to boost growth. At the same time, consumer prices rose a surprisingly steep 0.4 percent in August, slowing only slightly from the previous month's rate. The number of Americans filing new claims for jobless benefits rose unexpectedly to 428,000 in the week ending September10, the Labor...

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